Culture of well-being

Culture of an Organization: Subtle Culture Problems That Often Go Unnoticed

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” Peter Drucker – he did not mean that strategy is not important. Rather an effective strategy is crucial to organizational success. A good strategy is the key to successfully implementing the vision. But a strategy by itself cannot push any organization to achieve tremendous growth and success. What gives life […]

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18 Internal Customer Service Tips: What You Must Know

Internal customer service involves everything an organization can do to help their employees fulfill their duties, reach their goals and enjoy their work. It covers how different departments communicate with each other and how individuals interact with their colleagues, subordinates and superiors. It is a vital aspect of modern business as it creates the environment […]

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A Glossary of Terms for Company Culture

What do you think of when you hear the term “successful” company? Maybe you think of specific brands, like Google or Salesforce – businesses marked by a great reputation and incredible growth. Or maybe you simply think of a collective of professionals who are innovative, hard-working, and passionate. In any case, what you’re imagining most […]

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Resetting Your Company Culture for a Post-COVID World

As many workplaces now begin plans to bring people back to the office after COVID, it’s a great time to consider how the organization’s culture has changed and ─ even more importantly ─ how to create the culture the company wants to have. What is company culture? Company cultures are defined as the ways in […]

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Marketing and HR: Cultivating Company Culture and Mastering Talent Acquisition

It is widely acknowledged that talent acquisition and company culture establishment is no longer confined to the singular domain of the human resources department. Other departments equally assume collaborative roles to undertake this responsibility. Particularly noteworthy is the pivotal role that the synergy between Marketing and HR assumes in the endeavor of cultivating corporate culture […]

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