What Founders Should Know Before “Selling” their companies

Summary In corporate acquisitions, there are two types of leverage. The first is negotiation leverage, whichever side knows the opponent’s weakness will have the advantage in the agreement. The second is the leverage of knowledge, which depends on the Founder’s understanding of the needs of the market and the potential the business can achieve. It […]

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Preparing Your Startup for the Next M&A Wave

Summary.   Right now venture investment is falling and the tech market is cooling. Startup founders are thinking more about survival than an exit. But the market can turn around quickly, as it did in 2010. It pays to position yourself now for the startup M&A wave that will likely arrive in the next couple of […]

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Research: What Happens to a Startup When Venture Capitalists Replace the Founder

Summary. When a startup founder seeks external funding, they may worry about losing control over their company — with good reason. Between 20% and 40% of startup founders are replaced at the behest of their investors. But what happens to the company after the founder is ousted? An initial look at the data reveals that startups where a founder is replaced […]

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